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July 27, 2008
                  al Snell the one time regional distributor for Pure Romance products in northeastern Wisconsin reports on her my space page that she has become impregnated.
Snell says that she is about one month along and by her attitude one can tell she is ecstatic about the news. Snell never passes up an opportunity to hold a baby and now she will be able to hold one of her own.

Currently unwed, Snell is planning an October
wedding six days before Halloween. Snell's sister Clara Pickett is the maid of honor just as Snell was the maid of honor at her wedding. Snell's husband to be and father of the new baby is Joel Daryl Tingley known to many as "The Repo Man." Tingley works for VanBoxtel Ford in sales and on the off hours repo's cars from their clients who have become less than religious in their monthly payments. Tingley has come to be called just Daryl by most and seems to be delighted with the shortened version of his name.

Val Snell has for the time being suspended her regular practices of consuming  two cases of beer and 25 cigars a week so as not to harm the baby in any way.

With perfect weather the Wisconsin Timber Rattler outing held Saturday was an overwhelming success. With about 10 new faces on hand the tailgating party was held in the west lot of the stadium. Tim Lade who usually never attends sporting events because of crowd congestion surprisingly was on hand and seemed to be entertained by the event in spite of his dislike for crowds. Lade may have been badgered into attending by not only his wife but one of his X wives, Jean Mortinson who also attended the game. Kevin and Trixie set up their tent and cooking was accomplished by Kevin Sobieck and the writer of this column. Although rumored that we had set up in a VIP area no one from management ever challenged our presence and we easily organized and executed our tailgate party without flaw. As usual too much food was prepared and much of it went home with the guests that prepared it.

Star wars night revealed the presence of storm troopers, Princess Leah, and Darth Vader carousing the grounds in the front of the stadium prior to the game, those appearing in costume were in a special drawing. The Kat donned a princess Leah hair doo compliments of Mark in honor of the night but later removed the huge buns on each side of her head citing a "hair pulling headache" as the reason of it's demise.

The usual disruptive Axis of Evil remained subdued for the evening with the promise of a continuously flowing supply of beer. Those charged with the task made good on their word and the three remained calm for the evening including Stephonia Prevost who consumed $25 in beer herself.
Val Snell
Joel Daryl Tingley and the soon to be Val Snell Tingley
The only complaints were shouts of disappointment when the crowd was promised candy and only received three somewhat dried up tootsie rolls for singing the Festival Foods jingle. Snow Danforth stood in the stands with outstretched stick arms in the July heat trying to catch a tootsie roll headed her way, a piece flew through her non movable stick fingers and sank deep into her snow flesh and became lodged. Her friend Trixie Sobieck managed to dig it out but ate it herself leaving Snow with no treat and a puddle at her snow feet.

A low scoring game the Rattlers won with only one run on the board the Beloit Snappers unable to put even one run on the board. The night ended with a short tailgate party outside and everyone departed by about 10:15 PM.

Next year we will explore the possibility of expanding our tailgating area with the pre-assigned rental of an area. That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Rattler fans Snow Danforth, Mike Pickett Tim Lade Clara Pickett, Jeff lambert, Lambert's date Kate, and Val Snell pose for a shot in the stands
A katandmick photo
A katandmick photo