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WANTED- Old Jeans
wanted- old pairs of jeans, any color, camoflauge, can have multiple holes or torn.  Wanted for free.
I will be cutting them up anyway!!  thanks please call me! I will come to pick up
Contact me, Shelly Sobieck at
or my cell phone

World News Headlines
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May 4, 2008
Timber Rattler Outing Ticket List Click Here.
                 imee Richey as reported by her mother Joanne Lade is as big as a house, has not yet given birth as of press time. A team of doctors in Cincinnati who examined the Green Bay native had not realized the typical huge size of Wisconsin women before they give birth. After consulting with medical journals written by Wisconsin doctors physicians from Ohio determined Richey could go several weeks before birthing.
Last week it was thought that Richey could give birth at any moment as advised by Ohio doctors. Although Richey is complaining of her girth and the trouble fitting through the standard size door openings in their modest home she is still to keep with child for a few
more days if not weeks at least. Richey who has had an overnight bag packed for weeks to depart for the hospital has had to add a larger sleeper for the baby attributing her gigantism to an already obese baby in the womb.

Visits for Cheryl Purshock to her Wisconsin roots are few and far between for the soft spoken southerner who has spent more years of her life in Florida than anywhere else in the world.
Aimee Richey
Purshock notified the KAMR offices this past week that she will be attending the Pickett-Snell wedding scheduled for May 31 at Heritage Hill State Park followed by a reception and dinner at the Packer Atrium. Purshock was selected to be Brandon Pickett's Godmother
some 30 years ago at his baptism. It was not known at the time of selection that Pickett would be whisked away to Florida immediately after our funerals following our untimely deaths. Had that happened history would have been changed forever and Brandon would not have met Clara.
Traveling with Purshock will be her daughter Crystal who by the way is not a Purshock. Crystal Blue-Bananas will bring her five year old son Cade
along to attend the wedding. Blue-Bananas is taking time off of her job as a manager of a candle shop in Fort Walton Beach to be with her cousin at his wedding.

A possible fourth occupant in the vehicle
may be Steve Purshock, Cheryl's spousal unit. It is not yet known at this time if this wedding will work
into Purshock's hectic schedule traveling from one country to another explaining global warming. If he can make a hole and find the time he will attend the wedding after purchasing enough carbon units to offset the green house gasses generated by their automobile making the long  trek to the northern regions of the United States.
Crystal Blue-Bananas
Stephen Purshock
Cheryl Purshock
Just as she did last year Brittany Sobieck will be doing the Tour de Cure bike race May 18th to raise money for diabetes research. Sobieck who got lost last year and separated from her group plans to practice up this year by doing the local marathon at the Turtle School. She hopes the practice will allow her to insight to stay with the rest of the bikers in the group.

Sobieck is once again asking for your help in sponsoring her with a donation. She is accepting cash donations in person or you can pledge online on her personal page. Click here for Brittany's pledge page. That's all the news that is news, see ya.