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September 28, 2008
                     s most of us grow older  things sort of start going wrong. Such is the case with the Kat's older sister Joanne Lade.  As the body ages bones and joints begin to act like a worn out hinge especially after one reaches the age of 50 like Joanne.
Lade known to many as Joanie suffers from knee pain as a result of sports related activity from back in high school. While in high school Lade performed well and was thought of highly as an indispensable player in West De Pere's girls basketball team, and she has the kankles to prove it.
Things have gotten so bad lately that Lade had to work out a deal to be able to work from home through the internets to accommodate her aging body. Lade is still able to crawl around the house to get to the bathroom and prepare Tim and Papa's meals but is unable to perform even the simplest physical exercise to be able to keep her dilapidating body in shape.

Tim Lade on the other hand is looking svelte as ever as he has been carrying his bride around, and not just over the threshold while she is unable to walk. The Lades were caught on camera by KAMR photographers over the weekend as they made their way to their car in a parking lot.

Lade is to have surgery on her right knee this week which should alleviate the need for Tim to carry around Joanie on a regular basis, he will limit his carrying for exercise only. Unfortunately Lade's kankles are irreparable and will have to stay the way they are.

Joanne's husband Tim who once insisted that his wife's body remain pristine and never come under the doctor's scalpel now admits he has no qualms about the need for surgery. Tim Lade: "Once a body gets as old and  broken down as Joanies, the only treatment left is to start replacing parts with those from a cadaver." The rapid deterioration of Joanne's body after age 50 was the convincing factor allowing Tim to consent to the surgery.

Joanne has once again allowed herself to be ruled by drink as she worries and despairs over the surgery. Lade consumes alcohol daily and is becoming unable to manage her daily consumption. Lade has been known to consume alcohol right up to when the anesthesiologist puts the mask on her mush.  Tim has allowed that but he says it will all end and he will put a stop to it once the surgery is over.  That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Tim spotted by KAMR cameras  carrying Joanie around due to her sore knee and kankles
Joanne Lade
Doctors and nurses await as Joanne has a drink before surgery