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February 11, 2007
                ith less than two weeks before nuptials are performed on Aimee Poquette and Chris Richey the pair remains rock solid in their commitment to each other with no cold extremities reported. The couple found each other in an online dating service, the equivalent of a 21st. century home version of "The Dating Game". The wedding which is planned for February 24th. in Cancun Mexico has been planned for more than 6 months and those attending have had their reservations made for some time at the trendy posh hotel.

Joanne and Tim Lade, mother and stepfather of the bride are flying down to Mexico for the event as are a few close friends of the couple.

Poquette realizes many will not be able to attend the Mexico celebration so she has organized a local reception to be held in spring at the Four Seasons Park in Hobart. The park located on South Overland Road has already served as a gathering spot for another family event last summer, Dan VanLanen's birthday party, and was given the nod by everyone attending as an approved site for future events. Food and music will be provided although it is not yet clear if the couple has attained a dancing license from the Village of Hobart, a staunch religious community opposed to fun and merriment.

When the couple returns from Mexico and are officially united as one they will continue to live in their posh upscale home in Kentucky just over the border from Indiana. Poquette, a high ranking official in a national insurance company likes to live close to her work so that if a crises arises she can be at her desk in minutes, while Richey an Indiana State Police Officer really doesn't care where he lives. Richey a government employee is provided with a squad car which he takes home so gas prices or commuting time is a non issue. The state doesn't care where he lives as long as he is available to pick up potential subjects for the electric chair.

Unmistakably after a period of time when a couple is united in holy matrimony it has been noticed that each member of the couple acquires traits of their partners. Friends and family have speculated what traits Aimee and Chris will inherit from each other. We have a theory here at the KAMR, since it usually is the strong and deeply embedded characteristics that transfer between spousal units we suggest that Chris will acquire Aimee's loud emotional coughing while Aimee gets the uncontrollable urge to chase speeders and make traffic stops off duty.  It is unclear as of yet if any of this will have an effect on Hieko, Richey's police dog,or Rudy the family dog.
Dear Kat:
This "friend of the family" would like to know what the hell happened to Mike and the recent picture of him in the Green Bay Press Gazette?  I question whether that was really him as there was no distinct identifiable markings to others in the picture.
The future Mr. and Mrs. Richey
Dear "friend of the family":
It is true that my husband is unidentifiable in the photograph published by the Green Bay Press Gazette on Thursday of last week. He does insist however that it was him and he requested the shot be photographed the way it was. His reason is that should an identifiable image of him appear in the paper his cover as a CIA operative would be blown and his life would be worthless.

That's all the news that is news, see ya.
A Katandmick Photo