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January 24, 2010

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           uamico's economy will not suffer declares Mary "Doats" Meeuwsen as her and her husband Richard plan their departure from the glum, northern suburb of Green Bay known as Suamico. As reported last week plans are underway for the couple to button down their affairs and move from Wisconsin to Florida and final preparations are now underway to complete the the long time awaited move.

Two important business ventures of the Meeuwsen's will remain in Suamico it was announced Friday when Doats Meeuwsen appeared at the weekly fat club meeting held at the home of Michael and Peggy Pickett in the Town of Oneida. Doats long known for the production of her porcelain dolls has decided that production of the dolls will remain in Suamico. That announcement was welcome news to Suamico village officials who were worried that the Suamico based doll factory would move to the sunshine state leaving the community suffering with a deflated industrial tax base in it's wake.

Meeuwsen said that production will continue and will now be overseen by her son Adam who will continue to manufacture the dolls from the
A katandmick photo
Meeuwsen factory on Hallers Creek Rd. Meeuwsen: "My son Adam has long been interested in dolls from when he was a small child and he still plays with them often. He will make a great manager for my doll factory." Meeuwsen, 60 has been  in the doll business since her move to Suamico back in 1985 which at that time stabilized the economic climate in the community.
Another enterprise Mary Meeuwsen has been cultivating from the Suamico location is a local dealership for Mary Kay Cosmetics. Meeuwsen says that the cosmetic business would be too hard to give up but her plan is not to move the business but start another branch in Sebastian with new customers. Like the doll factory Meeuwsen will leave the Mary Kay customers she has in Wisconsin in the trusted hands of  her son Adam. One would think this all to be overwhelming, but Adam relishes the thought of taking over his mothers businesses.

Adam Meeuwsen
"I think that's because Dick and Adam have made a pact to destroy all my belongings after I leave", Meeuwsen said. Doats would like to rent a truck and move their personal belongings, there is not doubt some middle ground has yet to be reached on what to take. The couple plans to leave informally without fanfare February 2nd. or 3rd and head for their new home in Sebastian FL. The home they have purchased is furnished and the former owner an elderly woman, passed away.

Kevin Sobieck lead supervisor for Howard Immel Construction is still unemployed since the St. Mary's Hospital expansion was completed in November of 2009. The expansion, a two year project kept Sobieck working in
Doats on a recent visit to Disney World west of Kissimmee
Adam Meeuwsen: "There's no better way to pickup chicks than when you can show them dolls and makeup! Hey and if it don't work out Chrissy is coming home in August." It is not known if the intention is to turn over the Mary Kay business to their daughter Chrissy or not upon her arrival home but they
may be hard pressed to pry the makeup out of Adams hands once he gets use to trying it on. Moving plans are not yet finalized but Doats revealed Richard Meeuwsen would like to take only what can fit in the couples two cars along with their dogs.
Chrissy Meeuwsen
the Green Bay area, a benefit Sobieck had not had in the previous 5 years he has been employed for the Green Bay contractor. Sobieck who has worked in construction his entire life previously worked for Schuh Construction before seeking employment at Immel. Since that time he has been the project supervisor on many
construction projects involving Wal-Mart and Menards stores through out the Midwest. With the decline of construction due to the economic crises Sobieck has seen less and less work awarded to his company the last several years, but has still been able to keep working until now. Sobieck is keeping himself busy doing remodeling for some of Green Bay's elite residents and is not worried about future employment. Sobieck says he may even consider another line of work such as maintenance rather than construction and has been collecting information on where maintenance jobs are opening. Sobieck's wife Trixie has been working overtime at her job, picking up cans in the ditches, and taking in laundry to earn extra money to make up the difference.

That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Kevin Sobieck