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April 17, 2011

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Saturday July 30, 2011
Wisconsin Timber Ratlers VS Burlington Bees
Tickets $9.00 Each - Box seats section 104.
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A katandmick photo
                   ileen "Trixie" Sobieck has been selected for jury duty in her native county of Brown.
Sobieck 41, was notified by mail several weeks ago by the Brown County Clerk of Courts that her appearance was necessary before a circuit judge and other key players in a court case at the court house. 

Even though Sobieck was not certain of the dates she would have to appear she hoped that she would wind up on a high profile criminal case instead of some cival case where someone fell on the ice. Sobieck: "I would like to hear a trial for someone famous like I did back in 1995. The glove didn't fit so I had to aquit." Sobieck did not elaborate as to how she managed to get on the famous case since her residence is in Wisconsin and the trial was in California.  One would have thought that she may even be fabricating the story, however the picture (right) is proof of her actual involvement on the jury.

Sobieck will have to miss work if she acutally sits for the jury but as many cases are settled before the trial begins she may not have to miss work at all. As a bus aide for Sibble Hopp School her presence is intregal to students arriving at the school at the right time and prepared for the day. Sobieck is also there to escourt the children on the ride home to ensure they arrive home safe and sound.

Sobieck is looking forward to her judicial obligation and hopes she can play a big part in justice in May as she did back in 1995. 
Sobieck in background June 1995 as she sits for the OJ trial, amazingly she still looks nearly the same 16 years later.
Sarah Poquette, her fiance Phoenix Daniels and their daughter Ann Marie arrived safely and with little fanfare to their destination in Seaford, Delaware. Little else is
known about the couple's plans since they have relocated but Sarah left a posting on facebook that she had burned herself twice since arriving at the city a week ago, assuming of course that she is speaking of the sun.
A katandmick photo
by Sarah Poquette
That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Phoenix Daniels and Sarah Poquette after announcing their engagement