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September 2, 2012
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A katandmick photo
Joanne Lade in pain and misery after having her leg sawed off in two places and a new knee inserted
                 t may have been Joanne Lades stint as a star high school basketball player or her quest to become a perfect golfer and join the ladies PGA tour, whatever the case her knees have paid the price.

Joanne Lade couldn't have been happier as when she played girls basketball in high school and became the teams most valuable player. Thursday this past week, Lade at 57 years old has had her second and final knee replaced after years of persistent pain. Lades first knee was replaced after suffering sleepless nights and pain 10 years ago. Lade thinks the basketball activity is responsible for the untimely demise of the joints, and as a result of the medication used to control the pain during their deterioration, her mental instability as well.
Lade who was frightened of the surgery prepared for the ordeal by loading up on drinks before going into the hospital. Lade: "If I'm going to have my leg sawed off, I'm definitely going to need some alcohol." Husband Tim Lade who has been trying to get wife to stop drinking for some time commented "This is one time when I encourage her to drink." Lade remained drunk until surgery.
After Lade's package wore off, morphine was administered to control pain. Lade said that resting after the operation was difficult because of alarms going off and commotion in the hallway of the hospital.
She begged for food she said because in her words "I had not yet passed gas" and nurses told her that she was not to have food until that happened. Lade was to be discharged from hospital care on Saturday and return to her plush Allouez home to be cared for by her husband Tim.

According to Judy Treml the party at the Treml home is ready to go and people are encouraged to stop in any time after 2 PM tomorrow and enjoy a leisurely day by the pond as well as a selection of picnic food. Guests are encouraged to bring their bathing suits and take a cool dip in the pond during the sultry afternoon hours. Those staying to the evening hours when it starts to cool down will find comfort by the outdoor fireplace and patio where one can enjoy the crackling of a fire and the glory of the outdoors all in one location near the pond.

That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Lade drinking before surgery
A katandmick photo