The News for Sunday December 14, 2014
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Guests visiting the KAMR headquarters on Christmas Eve last year almost knocking each other over with joy and laughter
A katandmick photo
Guests at the Christmas Eve  at the buffet
ecember 24 will be the usual gathering of people here at the KAMR news gathering offices in the Town of Oneida. Expected are the families of all the Poquette offspring of Mary and Earl Poquette. If not all their children, than at least the actual children and their spousal units. Usually people pop in and out during the evening hours of the 24th and that's all right with everyone as the place will
really be hopping with people. All the stops are pulled out for the occasion with extra sitting room even set up in the garage. That space is usually reserved for the smokers but can be visited by anyone. The windows are cracked a bit for fresh air and it's a nice little space for those who wish to partake in a little tobacco consumption. A television is also located in the garage for viewing of the "Turkey Bowl" by those in the home who are so inclined to view it. Last years game was lost to errors in shooting and editing but Scott Treml already has this years game complete and edited ready to go. I presume some copy's will be ready for handouts that night.

Dinner is to begin at 6 PM and is expected to start without the Kat who will be driving the 6 bus (The Red Line) until 5:45 PM. Green Bay Metro shuts down at 6 PM and there is no service on Christmas Day. The same schedule holds true for New Years day but New Years Eve is a different story however with busses running until 3 AM, those returning from the New Years celebrations may ride for free as well as no fares will be collected after the regular revenue runs end at 3 PM. Those wishing to bring something to contribute to the meal are encouraged to bring what ever they brought last year. Christmas Eve the Kat is expected to make a grand entrance at 6:30 PM.

Meat pies the traditional Poquette Christmas specialty usually had it's day the Saturday before Christmas with most of the preparations and ingredients gathering done by Joanne Poquette who I must say was the driving force behind the annual production. This year's absence of Poquette in Northeastern Wisconsin is felt in particularly in that capacity, but production will go on just the same on Wednesday December 17. Stepping up to take over the reins of meat pie stage coach is Judy Treml, who has vowed to gather the ingredients and spearhead the production with the help of the Kat who's skilled hands and  eyes measure by sight and feel the proper amounts to produce each pie. The secret spices are gathered from various markets so as to throw off would be copy cats trying to spy on the family shoppers to steel the special secret family recipe of the delectable combination of meat, spices, and dough.

The meat pies are not eaten at the Christmas Eve party but are taken home by some guests who usually cook them on Christmas Day or shortly after as was the tradition in Michigan where the matriarch of the family Mary Poquette was from.
A katandmick photo