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Would you like to submit it for next years calendar? Send your photo to Tim Lade for consideration in next years fund raising calendar. The photo can be either a print or in digital form. To submit your photo either e-mail a copy to Tim via or send the print to Tim in the US Mail at 3036 Ravine Way, Green Bay 54301. Photos can also be dropped off or emailed to KAMR offices.
Festival Seating Available
November 19, 2005
        tores, Innkeepers, taverns, and the like are all a-buzz about TB VII fans arriving two days before the big game. It seems that some fans have taken the whole week off in preparation for the big game, some driving hundreds or thousands of miles to witness the Thanksgiving Day tradition between the Oneida Red Gobblers and the Hobart Blue Jell-O's.

Cheryl and Stephen Purshock of Fort Walton Beach Florida left for TB VII on  Saturday November 18 so that time did not become a factor in their arrival to the frozen tundra. Cheryl Purshock who is employed by the U. S. Air Force traveled with her husband Steve before and offered this explanation for the early departure: "When we go somewhere, Steve likes to drive straight through, stopping only for fuel. A lot of times we have to urinate in pop cans or bottles to save time. I can't master that art.
Early arrival of some fans sparks buying spree, boosts local Green Bay economy.
I usually wind up all messy and stuff, and by the end of the trip I'm pretty smelly."  Her husband Steve agreed and needed only a modest amount of convincing before buying in to the concept of leaving two days early. Purshock: "You'd think you'd get use to that smell after a while......well you don't."
Truck driver and TB VII announcer Dave Poquette of Clarksville TN plans to drive up the day before the game with his girl friend Alex and her two children in tow. Poquette says he's relying on his professional driving skill to get him here on time. Poquette: "After years of full time driving you know where all the cops hide and what time they go for coffee and doughnuts."
Cheryl Purshock
While it was thought that Alex Pickett would be coming home for Thanksgiving this year it now seems like that is only a remote possibility. Pickett who had already bought an airline ticket to the states has some unfinished business to take care of yet in the Hinterland. It seems he was unable to sell his van and still needs to get that business done before he can come home. The actual date he will be coming home is now uncertain.

Tim Lade who for two years now has produced the Turkey Bowl fundraising calendar will again bring with him the sample for this years edition to the Thanksgiving Day event. Lade who has printed the calendars himself in the past has relegated to having the calendars printed professionally this year to save the exasperation he has experienced with his own equipment. Jo Anne Lade said it should add at least 5 years to his life, a fact that will be duly noted in Lade's eulogy when I get around to writing it.

Sales of last years calendar has partially funded this years half time event, pedal tractor pulls, and remaining expenses from the the purchase of the game clock. This years calendar - DVD package
proceeds will go to reimberce the Sobiecks for their efforts in building the press box and hopefully have some left over to help pay for the remainder of this years half time show. Because of last years short fall this years calendar - DVD package will go for $25.00 each.
Cheryl Purshock points to Steve in obvious disapproval of his traveling habits while Steve explains how he invented the internet.
On Wednesday November 15 Chris Richey, future husband of Aimee Poquette (Newsletter August 9, 2006) was called in for mutual aid with a party suspected of drug dealing. Richey with the help of his police dog
"Heiko" found a substantial amount of drugs and other paraphernalia in the vehicle after a search. Richie and officer Adam Bullock were both mentioned and complimented in a press release from the Indiana State Police. Below is an actual photo of the traffic stop as seen on the police car dash camera. Somehow Aimee talked them into releasing it for publication!
At 9:34 PM on November 11 Kaylee Grace Schmunkey came into the world weighing in at 7 lbs. and 15 oz. The Schmunkey's couldn't be happier and daughter and mom are already home and doing fine.

Kaylee Grace Schmunkey
November 26, 2006
              ame day this year was a picture perfect situation. The weather was perfect, temperature 55 degrees, little or no wind and sunshine. The newly built press box sat proudly on the east side of the field and the freshly lined field was perfect with it's TB VII football logo neatly centered on the 25 yard line, players nervously awaited play action to begin. Just before kickoff Tom Schmidt arrived with the pedal tractors for the half time show. 

During the pregame, team captain Jules Cornelius promised a victory. Cornelius explained that the team was hungry after last years defeat and everybody was healthy this year and ready to play.
The Blue Jell-O's are victorious once again
Cornelius held true to his word and delivered a win to his fans even though they were not a dominating team on the score board, winning by only one touchdown.

From this reporters prospective it was a combination of skills that won the game for the Jell-O's
Simply being good at one aspect of the game is not good enough these days to have a winning Turkey Bowl team. While the Red Gobblers polished their west coast passing style offence the Blue Jell-O's diversified and threw the Gobblers defense off with a passing and power running game. The Gobblers had expected to see the Jell-O's come out with Jules as "The Bus" and were prepared to put him out of business, but when the Jell-O's pulled their secret weapon Andrew Purshock out, this was more then they were prepared for. The combination of Purshock and Cornelius alternating the passing and running game proved to be a winning combination. 

Late into the fourth quarter Jason Schmunkey lost his cool and intentionally invaded the safe zone of the quarterback well before the 7 seconds was up. Schmunkey TB VI's MVP with four interceptions talked trash the entire week before the game letting
Jules "The Bus" Cornelius
his ego run wild. TB VII however proved to be Schmunkey's demise with the former MVP not making a single interception or even having a bright moment. The highly touted Schmunkey sister also proved to be little or no threat to the Jell-O's, and as a female on the team fell in behind Kelly
Wenzel as a proficient football player.

Notably missing this year as head zebra was Earl Poquette Jr. Poquette apparently turned up lame days before the game and was still unable to stand for long periods prior to game time. The head official reins were handed to Sam Poquette after a short ceremony who handled the job well. Finally after years of dreaming of being the head official Sam had made it and he basked in the light of notoriety that being the head official brings. Tom Pickett officiated as he did last year and added to the mix was Dick Poquette who was complimented by XPFL commissioner Brandon Pickett: "Dick really knows the rules for coming in cold at the last minute."

Fundraising this year was a new aspect thrown into the day with the 50-50 raffle bringing in more dollars to fund half time shows and equipment and materials for the Turkey Bowl. Along with the raffle were the usual calendar sales, once again a fine calendar produced by Tim Lade but this year it will be professionally printed giving Tim's aging printer a break. This will cost a few dollars extra but will be worth it.
Jason Schmunkey
Although this has been one of the longest male companions to date that Brittany Sobieck has had in her stable this one has also been sent to the pile behind the house. The name of the boy is William Rosenburg as you will recall (Newsletter Jun 18, 2006) and apparently the cause of the break up was when he had given Sobieck an ultimatum.

Sobieck claims that Rosenburg had become agitated with her attitude last week and began suggesting changes she should make in her demeanor. Rosenburg began telling her she was "embarrassing" and needed to think about what she was going to say before she said it. Rosenburgs words rang out loudly and were heard by Sobieck's friends, all of whom were present when the confrontation began. Sobieck sensing the situation could escalate to a  separation should she blast back opted instead to leave and settle the argument later when they were alone. Rosenburg would have none of that, and when he saw Sobieck preparing to leave he warned her "If you leave now, it's over." With those words said Sobieck was content to leave the situation the way it was and haul Rosenburg to the Pile. Rosenburg had returned to the Sobieck residence to finalize some unfinished computer maintenance and this reporter just happened to be there picking up after the Turkey Bowl when he arrived. I asked Rosenburg for his side of the story but he declined comment, and appeared agitated that I had asked for his side of the story.

Sobieck apparently upset by circumstances went on tried to drown her sorrows........she thinks. Apparently her memory is cloudy at the end of the night and thinks she may have fallen but is not knowing where.
She is sporting a very nasty looking bruise on the left cheek of her posterior and suspects she may have fallen down the steps leading to her apartment, although she is not sure because she does not remember doing so.
Brittany shows off her bruise
Sobieck lives in downtown Milwaukee while she attends college at UW Milwaukee.

In what proved to be the winning combination of passing and running for the Blue Jell-O's, Andrew was the passing part of the combo. Turkey Bowl newcomer Andrew Purshock was named MVP in a short ceremony after TB VII. That's all the news that is news, see ya.
Andrew Purshock