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August 1, 2010

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August 21, 2010 1 PM 9 Holes at The Royal Scot and Dinner

Click here to register or see who's going to the Poquette Family golf outing. Est. cost $16.50 walk $24.50 ride.
Left: Kari Haynes poses for a photo upon her return from Germany
Below: Participate in the poll on Kari Haynes divorced name.
See last weeks newsletter for explanation.
A katandmick photo
          ean Poquette-Hansen was frantic when she called the KAMR headquarters Thursday evening to report that she had lost her new pet in a piece of laundry equipment in her Greenleaf home. Poquette-Hansen was proud to have saved the life of the 5 month old kitten she found on the Fox River Trial starving and infested with parasites. She had brought the kitten to a local veterinarian who diagnosed the feline with multiple deficiencies and an ear infection problem.

Poquette-Hansen had returned home from running errands with her son Ben when when she noticed that her new cat was missing from the usual place
where it lye. Ben Hansen immediately suggested that the dogs had eaten the cat, but Jean was not buying it. Upon organizing an extensive search of the property Poquette-Hansen stumbles upon the kitten, or at least the
sound of it in the laundry room. Scratching could be heard from the area where the laundry machines were, the washer and dryer. Once again Ben chimed in with a suggestion that the feline could never be rescued from the machines and that it would eventually die and begin to poison the air with the stench of death.

Poquette-Hansen frantic at the thought of losing her new kitten to the clothes dryer called our home, first to report the news for the KAMR, then to ask for help getting her cat out of the dryer. I was gone at the time but after returning from a service call the Kat suggested we head to Greenleaf. With red light and siren we immediately rushed to Greenleaf to rescue the trapped kitten.

Entry to the laundry was temporarily put off due to the fault of Ben again who had just used the facilities in the room rendering it uninhabitable for a minutes until an air exchange was complete. Then with caution we preceded to the laundry/bathroom. Upon inspection of the machines I immediately found the kitten laying playfully in the corner peering out with eyes shining as I pointed the flashlight in the area.

James, Poquette-Hansen's fiance had pulled the dryer away from the wall and detached the vent pipe. Poquette Hansen mistakenly believed the cat had crawled into the dryer, but after careful consideration I deducted that the cat could not have gotten into the dryer and gotten out via the vent. There is a blower and a lint screen between the inside of the dryer and the vent pipe making it impossible for the cat to get through. The cat must have crawled up on the top of the machines and fallen behind, scratching to get back up or out he must have made his way to the side of the machines. After rescuing the cat Poquette-Hansen was subdued and once again happy.
A katandmick photo
Jean Poquette-Hansen
Christine Meeuwsen is scheduled to return to Wisconsin August 14. Arriving at Austin Struabel Field at 4:28 PM Meeuwsen will return to her home where she grew up and stay with her brother Adam  before heading out to Florida to visit with her parents in Satellite City.

Meeuwsen advises that she will have a different look when she gets home and will no longer be dragging her club leg about. She indicated that her leg had fallen off but in reality it probably shrunk back to it's regular size after all the biking she had done in Africa where motorized transportation is is sparse.

The Newsletter will be on hand at her arrival with the details.

Due to a software glitch the results from the Kari Haynes poll at the bottom of the page were lost. Even though the poll was to last another week we are asking those who voted before to vote again because of the software problem. The results will still be forwarded to Haynes and you will of course remain anonyms as you did before. This is a new poll so if your computer didn't' let you vote a second time before it will now, however it will not let you vote more than once on the new poll. The poll will end two weeks from today.

Just three weeks left to register for the golf outing. That's all the news that is news, see ya.

What last name should Kari Haynes use after her divorce?
Stick with Kari Haynes
Use her maiden name of Wenzel
Have her last name legally chaged to Obama

Christine Meeuwsen is packed and ready to go back to Wisconsin